25 Måder At Glemme Din Eks


25 Måder At Glemme Din Eks
25 Måder At Glemme Din Eks

Breakups gør ondt. Men hvad der gør ondt endnu mere, er at prøve at huske alle de løfter, I har givet hinanden, som nu forbliver spredt som brudte stykker omkring jer. Du er sandsynligvis sur på dig selv for at være så naiv og føle, at du er den eneste person i verden, der oplever denne tristhed. Men gæt hvad? Vi har alle været der, gjort det.

Det er ikke let at håndtere et brud. Det kræver en masse magisk lim at helbrede et knust hjerte, glemme din eks og gøre det lettere at håndtere smerten. Her er 25 måder at komme videre fra din eks og gå tilbage til at være den lykkelige person, du plejede at være!

1. Giv dig selv lidt tid til at helbrede

1. Giv dig selv lidt tid til at helbrede
1. Giv dig selv lidt tid til at helbrede

Den største fejl, folk begår, når de prøver at komme videre, er at forkæle sig med selvdestruktive aktiviteter som aggressiv fest, ukontrolleret drikke og skøre makeovers. Selvom der ikke er nogen mening at surme over, hvad der allerede er gjort, er det nogle gange godt at åbne op og græde over det.

Giv dig selv tid til at helbrede. Begynd at træne og spise sundt. Den positive indvirkning det har på din mentale sundhed er næsten magisk. Gå også tilbage til de hobbyer, som du stoppede med at forkæle dig med, fordi al din tid var delt mellem din arbejdsplan og dit forhold.

2. Stalk ham ikke

Efter et brud kan du sandsynligvis fortsætte med at undre dig over, hvad din eks laver på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt på dagen. Det er altid bagest i dit sind.

Ved hjælp af sociale medier er det ekstremt let at finde ud af, hvor de befinder sig. Men forfølgelse af ham vil kun gøre dig tristere og gøre dig nervøs. Den bedste måde at håndtere et brud på er at undgå deres sociale mediekonti, indtil du er klar.

3. Brug ikke tid på at genoplive disse minder

Hvad du havde var vidunderligt. Det er godt - endda sundt - at værne om de gode minder. Det er dog ikke en god idé, når du lige er kommet ud af et forhold.

Når det kommer til et giftigt forhold, vil huske de gode bits kun holde dig fanget i fortiden og hæmme din vækst.

4. Prøv at se virkeligheden

Mens de mørkegrå skyer dækker dit hoved med tristhed, så prøv at finde sølvforingen. Hvad der ser ud som verdens ende er bare en person, der forlader dit liv.

Ting kan se ud som om de er som værst, men nu når du ser virkeligheden, ved du at du kan gøre det bedre. En dårlig fase skaber muligheden for dig at opbygge en bedre og lykkeligere fremtid.

5. Lær din lektion fra slutningen

5. Lær din lektion fra slutningen
5. Lær din lektion fra slutningen

Alle laver fejl, og det er meget vigtigt at lære af dem og forhindre dem i at gentage sig.

Folk kommer i dit liv for at lære dig en lektion, og en person, der ønsker at forlade, vil forlade uanset hvad du gør for at holde dem tilbage. Du kan give hundrede procent af dig selv til nogen, men aldrig miste dig selv helt for dem.

6. Find ikke undskyldninger for at møde dem igen

Resisting the urge to “accidentally” bump into your ex can be challenging. You may think that a single meeting can get you both back together. However, darling, it’s time you realize what could not be mended in the full course of a relationship can never be settled in just one meeting.

A relationship is all about effort from both sides, and after it has died a painful death, there is no point trying to resuscitate it.

7. Do Not Be Harsh On Yourself

7. Vær ikke hård mod dig selv
7. Vær ikke hård mod dig selv

Stop blaming the whole world for your breakup. Face the fact that the person you are the most furious with is yourself. You hate yourself for trusting them so much, for being stupid enough not to understand their intentions.

You may want to find ways to punish yourself by indulging in self-destructive behaviors (like excessive drinking). However, you need to remember that everyone makes mistakes. All you need to do is wipe your tears and prevent your tiara from falling off, princess. You are more powerful than you know.

8. Do Not Try To Be Friends If You Still Have Feelings For Them

It is said that if you are friends with your ex after a breakup, you were never really in love then.

If you are trying to be friends with them just to keep seeing them after the breakup, it will hurt you more than you think. After a ship has sailed, it is pointless trying to turn it around. Friendship is a very special relationship and should not be used for ulterior motives.

9. Know What You Are Capable Of

9. Ved hvad du er i stand til
9. Ved hvad du er i stand til

You realize what you are actually made of only when you get the opportunity to prove yourself. Let the breakup help you grow, discover your inner self, and explore your potential. You will be surprised to know what you are capable of when you start living life to the fullest.

10. Try To Stay Positive And Indulge In A Healthy Activity

A situation like a breakup can make you weak at heart and unstable in mind, making you think of self-destruction. However, realizing that whatever happens, happens for the best can help you start a new beginning. Try to stay away from any negative thoughts that creep into your head. Practice yoga, exercise regularly, and eat healthy to keep your mind fresh for a new beginning.

11. Shopping

11. Shopping
11. Shopping

Being alone at home may cause stress and anxiety. How about doing something you like? Shopping is the way to go! Make a list of all the things you have always wanted to buy and pamper yourself. It could act as a reward for staying strong after the breakup.

12. Re-Decorate Your Space

An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. All that time you spend thinking of all the memories you shared with your ex Put it to good use. Re-decorate your room/home to create a new environment that you do not associate with them.

13. Go Out And See The World

Now is the perfect time to plan that solo trip you have always longed for. Traveling alone to new destinations can be the change of scenery your mind needs. It will make you realize that you don’t need anyone to make you happy except yourself.

14. Get Rid Of The Things That Remind You Of Him

14. Get Rid Of The Things That Remind You Of Him
14. Get Rid Of The Things That Remind You Of Him

Maybe you’ve saved the bus ticket from the first time you both traveled together, or his shirt that you snuggled with when you missed him. Well, now is the time to let go of not only his belongings but also the memories that you keep revisiting.

15. Cut All Communication Lines

If you think messaging him once in a while or drunk dialing him will do no harm, you are mistaken. Staying in touch with him will keep you trapped in the past and never let you move on. It is also a good idea to block his number, delete all his mails/texts, and burn his letters.

16. Avoid Asking About Them From Friends

Once you cut off all contact with your ex, you may try to get information about him from your mutual friends. Resist that urge. The idea is to stay away from him – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

17. Realize That Reel Life And Real Life Are Very Different

The entertainment industry makes us build castles in the air. Reel life and real life are often confused, and we expect things in our life to function as efficiently as in the books and movies.

When your life and – and more importantly, your relationship – does not work out that way, you tend to get depressed. It is important, especially after a breakup, to keep a realistic perspective and accept that sometimes things just don’t work out, and that’s okay! Because the ending of a bad relationship creates the space for new and better things to grow.

18. Spend Time With Your Family And Friends

18. Spend Time With Your Family And Friends
18. Spend Time With Your Family And Friends

Being alone after a breakup can lead to depression. In times like these, you stop trusting people. However, this is the perfect time to reconnect with the people in your life who will actually stick around no matter what. Spending time with your family and close friends can help you clear your mind and push the dark clouds away.

19. Take Time Out For Your Hobbies

Now is the ideal time to do all the things you did not have time for earlier because you were busy with your significant other. Be it pottery, softball, or coding – it will do you a whole lot of good to finally take time out for yourself and execute the projects that you have always had on your mind.

20. Accept It As A Part Of Your Life

20. Accept It As A Part Of Your Life
20. Accept It As A Part Of Your Life

This may feel like the end of the world, but know that you will rise again. A breakup makes you lose hope and retreat into your shell, never wanting to move on. However, it’s time to accept that heartbreak is a part of life. No matter how bad a situation feels today, nothing lasts forever. Eventually, everything goes back to normal. You just need to stay strong and withstand the storm.

21. Enjoy Your Own Company

Just because you love spending time with someone does not mean that you stop spending quality-time doing the things that you love. It is very important to pamper yourself and respect your free time. Charity begins at home, and loving yourself creates the foundation for loving others.

22. Do Not Hurt Yourself In Any Way

The easiest way to express your anger is to hurt yourself. Most people do so by cutting themselves or consuming copious amounts of alcohol or drugs. But, no pain seems to match the pain of your heartbreak. However, hurting yourself can make damage your self-esteem.

In times like these, you need to remember that you are an independent spirit who does not need to depend on anyone except yourself to survive. Being in a toxic relationship does not change who you are or diminish your worth. Believe in yourself and gather the strength to start afresh.

23. Forgive Yourself And Forget Your Ex

It is easy to say forgive and forget, especially when it comes to the person who broke your trust and dreams. However, forgiving your ex might be the key to letting go completely and being happy on your own. It may hurt you to see him with someone else. But, if you just focus on your life and creating a better future for yourself, you will end up wishing only happiness for your ex. It won’t even bother you if your paths cross again!

24. Do Not Date Until You Are Ready

Trying to move on forcefully may result in dating the wrong person again. Love is special, and a rebound should not be mistaken for love. The day you are able to love yourself for the person you are and forgive your ex is the day that you can open up your heart to love again and start dating.

25. Fall In Love With Yourself

25. Fall In Love With Yourself
25. Fall In Love With Yourself

Du er mere speciel end nogen nogensinde kan få dig til at føle dig. Gør op for al den tid, du ignorerede dig selv for at være opmærksom på din eks og forkæle dig selv fuldt ud. Et sundt forhold til dig selv vil gøre det lettere at komme videre i livet.

En meget vigtig del af at være menneske er at lave fejl og lære af dem. Du snuble. Stå nu op, støv af, kom på sporet, og begynd at bevæge dig igen. Du er enhver lykke værd, og hvis nogen ikke er i stand til at få dig til at føle dig elsket, gør det selv. Vær din egen dronning. Håber du bliver forelsket i dig selv igen.

Har du oplevet hjertesorg? Hvad gjorde du for at komme over din eks? Del din oplevelse med os i kommentarfeltet nedenfor.


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