Longan Fruit: Sundhedsmæssige Fordele, Ernæringsprofil Og Bivirkninger


Video: Longan Fruit: Sundhedsmæssige Fordele, Ernæringsprofil Og Bivirkninger

Video: Longan Fruit: Sundhedsmæssige Fordele, Ernæringsprofil Og Bivirkninger
Video: Wolfoo Sam drenges familie nyder lækker frugt ved middagstid 2024, April
Longan Fruit: Sundhedsmæssige Fordele, Ernæringsprofil Og Bivirkninger
Longan Fruit: Sundhedsmæssige Fordele, Ernæringsprofil Og Bivirkninger

Denne tropiske frugt har utvivlsomt en mutants kræfter, men de er gavnlige og ikke destruktive. Denne lillebror til litchi har sårheling, anti-aging og anti-inflammatoriske kræfter.

Læs videre for at finde ud af mere om longan frugt og dens fordele.


  • Hvad er Longan?
  • Hvad er fordelene ved at spise Longan?
  • Næringsstofprofil af Longans
  • 2 hurtige og enkle opskrifter med Longan-frugt
  • Hvad er bivirkningerne ved at spise Longan-frugt?

Hvad er Longan?

Longan (Dimocarpus longan) er en lille, rund, sød og vandig frugt, der ligner meget litchifrugt. Den har en gulbrun tyk skal, også kendt som pericarp, som hærder, når den bliver ældre.

Når det er ungt og frisk, kan du skrælle perikarpen af for at få en gennemskinnelig, hvid, vandig papirmasse, der indlejrer et stort sort frø, næsten som et øje. Du skal adskille frøet for at spise det. Frøene kan dog også behandles for at opnå essentielle olier og ekstrakter.

Disse super lækre tropiske frugter af Sapindaceae-familien dyrkes bredt i Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan og Kina. Lokalbefolkningen bruger longan i sorbeter, gelé, salater, desserter og budding.

Men longan er ikke bare en anden eksotisk sydasiatisk frugt, da den har været brugt i mange år i traditionel medicin.

Lad os undersøge de forskellige måder, longan kan hjælpe din krop på og pleje dig til helbredet.

Tilbage til indholdsfortegnelse

Hvad er fordelene ved at spise Longan?

1. Har kræfteffekter

Longans har høje niveauer af polyphenoler. De polyfenolforbindelser som gallinsyre eliminerer stressfremkaldende frie radikaler og giftige mellemprodukter, der kan forårsage kræft. Frugten, blomsten og frøet er lige så kraftige antioxidanter.

Traditionel kinesisk medicin har anvendt ekstrakter af longanfrø, der interfererer med DNA-syntese og undertrykker de uønskede onkoproteiner i tumorer, hvilket igen ødelægger dem.

Derfor kan indtagelse af longan-frugter eller frøekstraktpulver systematisk hæmme bryst-, kolorektal-, lever-, lunge- og livmoderhalscancerceller (1).

2. Har antiinflammatoriske virkninger

Asiaterne brugte longan frugtmasse til at helbrede sår, allergier, influenza og andre inflammatoriske sygdomme.

Pericarp (ydre lag), papirmasse og frø har antiinflammatoriske fytokemikalier som gallinsyre, epicatechin og ellaginsyre. (2)

Disse forbindelser hæmmer produktionen af proinflammatoriske kemikalier som prostaglandiner, histaminer, nitrogenoxid og vævsnekrosefaktor (TNF) i din krop (3).

På grund af overflod af vitamin B og C fremmer longans også helbredelse og behandler kroniske inflammatoriske tilstande som ødem, GERD, irritabel tarmsygdom (IBS), hudallergi, sår, forbrændinger, psoriasis og Crohns sygdom. (4)

3. Behandler anæmi og jernmangel

Longan-ekstrakter sammen med andre indfødte urter bruges i kinesisk traditionel medicin til at helbrede uhåndterlig anæmi, trombocytopeni og andre blodrelaterede lidelser. Det blev identificeret, at kvinder i byerne, der ikke opretholdt WHO's anbefalede niveau af jern i deres kostvaner (<5 portioner frugt eller grøntsager om dagen), havde en højere risiko for moderat og svær anæmi (5).

Tørrede longaner indeholder 1,5 mg jern pr. Ounce. At have longans i din frugtcreme eller salat øger blodpladeantalet og hæmoglobinkoncentrationen - især ved menstruation og forventning til kvinder (6).

4. Giver ung og glødende hud

Giver ung og glødende hud
Giver ung og glødende hud

Fytokemikalier har altid været den bedste løsning til behandling af forskellige lidelser, og longan har dem i overflod.

Bioaktive forbindelser som corilagin, gallinsyre og ellaginsyre i tørrede longaner har den højeste fri radikalopfangningsaktivitet. Frugten har også antityrosinase-aktivitet og kan derfor forhindre udbrud af kræft (7).

At forbruge en sådan potent antioxidant kan give dig ren, lys og pletfri hud med reduceret risiko for at udvikle lysfølsomhed eller hudkræft.

5. Reducerer stress og behandler søvnløshed

Reducerer stress og behandler søvnløshed
Reducerer stress og behandler søvnløshed

Commercially available drugs to treat insomnia that target the GABA receptors, histamine receptors, and other active centers of your brain have temporary benefits and long-term side effects. The leaves and pulp of longan have bioactive compounds that suppress the levels of neurotransmitters that cause anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

A 2014 research claims that longans, in combination with other hypnotic derivatives, can increase the rate of sleep and sleep duration. This fruit can also enhance learning and memory by increasing the rate of immature neuronal survival (8),(9).

Did You Know?

  • Longan seeds are excellent antifungal agents. Mouthwashes containing longan extracts can fight oral infections caused by fungi (Candida and Cryptococcus species)
  • Because of their saponin content, longan seeds are dried and used in shampoos and hair washes.
  • The Chinese call the longan ‘ Dragon’s eye ’ because of the black colored seed it has – resembling an eye.

Though the mechanism is yet to be understood, it doesn’t hurt to start eating this little tangy-sweet, fibrous, and pulpy fruit for all the health benefits it may provide.

And when you look at the nutritional profile of longan, you have even more reason to love this deliciously sweet and musky fruit. Check it out!

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Nutrient Profile Of Longan

Calories Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate
Total Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Total trans fatty acids Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids Total trans-polyenoic fatty acids Total Omega-3 fatty acids Total Omega-6 fatty acids
Protein Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamin K Thiamin Folate Vitamin B12 Choline Betaine Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium

I’ve collected some simple and quick recipes with longans for you. Would you want to give then a shot? Scroll down!

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2 Quick And Simple Recipes With Longan Fruit

1. Longan-Banana Smoothie

Longan-Banana Smoothie
Longan-Banana Smoothie
What You Need
  • Longan fruits: 5, fresh and ripe
  • Banana: 1
  • Coconut milk or water: 1 cup
  • Blender
Let’s Make It
  1. Discard the hard outer shells and seeds of the longans.
  2. In a blender, make a smooth puree of the longans.
  3. Break the banana into smaller pieces and add them to the blender.
  4. Pour in coconut milk or water. Blend until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  5. Refrigerate before serving (if you prefer).
  6. That’s the best tropical beach-side-chiller drink you’ve made, by the way!

2. Longan Steamed Egg Custard

Longan Steamed Egg Custard
Longan Steamed Egg Custard
What You Need
  • Longans: 8 fresh, peeled
  • Longan syrup: 2 cups
  • Eggs: 3, medium-large size
  • Baking ramekins

Note: The quantity of beaten eggs should be exactly equal to that of longan syrup. Here, the volume is set to 2 cups each.

Let’s Make It
  1. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and set aside.
  2. Add the longan syrup to the bowl and whisk thoroughly.
  3. Sieve the egg mixture into two ramekins. You can make many smaller portions if you prefer.
  4. Add two peeled longan fruits to each ramekin.
  5. Steam for 8 minutes.
  6. Serve hot topped with extra longans.
  7. This is how you make a quick, filling, and exotic snack bowl!

Weren’t you instantly transported to the East Asian kitchens and seas? Such is longan’s exotic taste!

Though they taste heavenly and are bountiful nutrient carriers, could there be drawbacks of eating longan fruits?

Let’s find out!

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What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Longan Fruits?

There are not many side effects of binging on longans that have been documented. But there is a possibility that you can be allergic to longan. The chances are super low, though. The key is portion size.

But there’s one concern that stands out –

High Carbs And Sugar Content

People with diabetes should not consume longans. Although it boosts your immunity because of its high levels of vitamins C and B, what’s alarming is the sugar content.

Each ounce of raw longans has about 20.7 g of carbs. This might increase the blood glucose levels in susceptible people.

You can try other low carb alternatives like melons, camu camu, and berries to get your dose of these vitamins and minerals.

The Take Home Message…

Dimocarpus longan is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Almost every part of the fruit offers a multitude of benefits.

The fruit not only tastes great, but it is also a reservoir of bioactive ingredients – such as gallic acid, epicatechin, quercetin, and other saponins – that make it a potent antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, mildly sleep-inducing, vulnerary, and anticancer agent.

So, if you happen to visit the Asian countries, you know what to eat!

If you can get home some longans (or even grow them in your kitchen garden), you might want to try recipes I had shared.

If you liked what you read and got all that you were looking up on longan fruits, please share this article and spread the word.

Feel free to send in your feedback, suggestions, and comments about this read in the box below.

Get home some Lo’n’gan and feel like a superhero!

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Can you eat longan fruit during pregnancy?

Food taboos across the world say no to ‘wet-hot’ foods like mangoes, lychees, pineapple, and shrimp during pregnancy.

Such foods increase the internal heat in your body, causing problems in the unborn child and while delivering. Traditions in the Eastern and African countries prohibit consumption of such foods (10).

Since research has not proven it yet, you should consult your doctor about having longans while you are carrying or nursing your child.

How long does it take for a longan tree to bear fruits? What is the best season?

Seedling trees may take up to 6 years to bear fruits, whereas air layered trees may bear fruits 2 to 3 years after planting.

The main blooming season for longans is from February/March through April and the beginning of May. Harvest is generally during June, July, or August.

However, some cultivars produce off-season blooms and fruits are harvested 3 to 6 months later.


  1. “Potential roles of longan flower…” World Journal of Experimental Medicine, US National Library of Medicine.
  2. “Gallic Acid Promotes Wound Healing in…” Molecules, US National Library of Medicine.
  3. “Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties…” Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine.
  4. “Role of vitamins in gastrointestinal diseases” World Journal of Gastroenterology, US National Library of Medicine.
  5. ”Frugt- og grøntsagsforbrug og anæmi blandt voksne…” Peer-J, US National Library of Medicine.
  6. "Behandling for uhåndterlig anæmi …" International Journal of General Medicine, US National Library of Medicine.
  7. “Evaluation of free radical scavenging…” Food and Chemical Toxicology, US National Library of Medicine
  8. “Herbal Insomnia Medications that…” Nuværende neurofarmakologi, US National Library of Medicine.
  9. “De hukommelsesfremmende effekter af …” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine.
  10. “Motivationer for fødevareforbud …” Journal of Ethnobiology


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