13 Fantastiske Sundhedsmæssige Fordele Ved Cayenne Peber


Video: 13 Fantastiske Sundhedsmæssige Fordele Ved Cayenne Peber

Video: 13 Fantastiske Sundhedsmæssige Fordele Ved Cayenne Peber
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13 Fantastiske Sundhedsmæssige Fordele Ved Cayenne Peber
13 Fantastiske Sundhedsmæssige Fordele Ved Cayenne Peber

Den uhyggelige cayenne - det er det, vi vil kalde det. At være en af de spiciest ting på planeten, hvordan kan dette have nogen fordele? Svaret ligger i dette indlæg, min kære ven.

Fortsæt læsning. Og vær klar til at pep (per) op i dit liv med cayennepeber.


  • Hvad er Cayenne peber?
  • Hvad er historien om Cayennepeber?
  • Hvad er næringsstofferne i Cayenne peber?
  • Hvad er fordelene ved Cayenne peber?
  • Sådan vælges og opbevares Cayenne peber
  • Sådan integreres mere cayennepeber i din diæt
  • Er der nogen populære Cayenne peberopskrifter?
  • Eventuelle andre måder at bruge cayennepeber på?
  • Hvor kan man købe cayennepeber?
  • Eventuelle sjove fakta om Cayenne peber?
  • Eventuelle bivirkninger af cayennepeber?

Hvad er Cayenne peber?

Det er en moderat varm chili peber, der bruges til at smage retter. Den er generelt tynd og rød, 10 til 25 cm lang og har en buet spids. Også kendt som chili peber, afrikansk peber, paprika,

pimienta de cayena (på spansk) og zanzibar peber, cayennepeber er en sort af Capsicum annuum (som er relateret jalapenos, paprika og paprika).

Cayennepeber indeholder en stor mængde capsaicin (hvoraf mere vi vil tale om et stykke tid), der er ansvarlig for de fleste af fordelene. Capsaicin er også ansvarlig for frugtens brændende varme smag. Peberen er vurderet til mellem 30.000-50.000 på Scoville-varmeenhederne (en måleskala for 'hotness' af en chili peber). Og lad os fortælle dig, at vurderingen er for forbandet høj.

Lad os nu komme til historien.

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Hvad er historien om Cayennepeber?

Cayennepeber får sit navn fra byen Cayenne i Fransk Guyana. Det vides at have sin oprindelse i Central- og Sydamerika og blev oprindeligt brugt som dekoration - og det var meget før folk indså dets betydning som kulinarisk krydderi og medicin.

Christopher Columbus havde opdaget disse frugter, mens han rejste over Caribien. Han bragte dem tilbage til Europa som erstatning for sort peber (hvilket var dyrt dengang). Og i dag dyrkes cayennepeber over hele verden.

Alt godt. Men er det så godt?

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Er Cayenne peber god for dig?

Capsaicin og kun capsaicin. Okay, i det mindste det meste af tiden. Denne forbindelse i cayennepeber, der giver den sin varme og krydrede smag, er ansvarlig for alt, hvad der er godt og strålende ved cayennepeber.

Og så er der andre næringsstoffer som vitamin A og C, som bidrager til de fleste måder, dette krydderi kan gøre godt for dig.

Fordelene ved cayennepeber er lige så dekoreret som dens historie. Men inden vi kommer derhen, lad os se, hvad dette krydderi er lavet af.

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Hvad er næringsstofferne i Cayenne peber?

Folater Natrium Calcium

En teskefuld cayennepeber indeholder følgende:

  • 17 kalorier
  • 2 milligram natrium
  • 1 gram fedt
  • 3 gram kulhydrater
  • 1 gram sukker
  • 1 gram kostfibre (6% af den daglige værdi)
  • 1 gram protein (1% af den daglige værdi)
  • 2185 IE vitamin A (44% af den daglige værdi)
  • 6 milligram E-vitamin (8% af den daglige værdi)
  • 4 milligram C-vitamin (7% af den daglige værdi)
  • 1 milligram vitamin B6 (6% af den daglige værdi)
  • 2 mikrogram vitamin K (5% af den daglige værdi)
  • 1 milligram mangan (5% af den daglige værdi)
  • 106 mg kalium (3% af den daglige værdi)

Cayennepeber indeholder intet kolesterol.

Der er en grund til, at vi skal indtage cayennepeber. Kontroller disse fordele, så forstår du det.

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Hvad er fordelene ved Cayenne peber?

Capsaicin i cayennepeber giver forskellige fordele. Det øger stofskiftet og hjertesundheden og fjerner endda overbelastning. Cayenne peber er også kendt for at lindre ledsmerter og andre inflammatoriske tilstande. Krydderiet gør også godt for hud og hår.

1. Øger stofskiftet

Det handler kun om stofskifte, er det ikke? Undersøgelser viser, at cayennepeber kan øge stofskiftet og endda undertrykke sult (1). Og for dette skal vi takke capsaicin (som også kaldes et termogent kemikalie). Denne forbindelse er kendt for at producere ekstra varme i vores kroppe og forbrænde mere fedt og kalorier i processen. Forskning fortæller os, at indtagelse af fødevarer rig på capsaicin kan øge vores krops stofskifte med 20 procent (i op til 2 timer) (2).

En undersøgelse fra 2014 viste, at folk, der tog rød peber med hvert måltid, oplevede færre trang og en forbedret følelse af fylde (3). Dette betyder, at tilføjelse af capsaicin til din diæt kan undertrykke din appetit. Og det betyder, at cayennepeber også kan hjælpe dig i din vægttabsmission (4). Yay!

But hold on – we are only saying that adding cayenne pepper to your diet helps in certain ways. Please don’t torture yourself by filling your plate only with cayenne pepper!

2. Improves Digestive Health

2. Improves Digestive Health
2. Improves Digestive Health

It is said that the quality of your health depends on the quality of your digestive function. And with cayenne pepper, the latter (and the former) can definitely be taken care of.

Cayenne has the uncanny ability to boost heart action and circulation – thereby accelerating the digestive process. It also improves the stomach’s ability to defend infections and increase the production of digestive fluid. The pepper also smoothens the way important enzymes are delivered to the stomach (5). All of this enhances your digestive health.

Now, allow us to bust some myths. Capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help heal stomach ulcers. Of course, excessive consumption of spicy foods can sure lead to ulcers. But capsaicin is not the one to be blamed (6).

The pepper can also heal intestinal gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, and an upset stomach as well.

3. Might Lower Blood Pressure

Some sources say that the capsaicin in cayenne pepper can lower your blood pressure overnight. Literally. Well, that might seem a little far-fetched (we don’t know, though), but what is true is that cayenne pepper can sure help heal your blood pressure woes.

The pepper opens up blood vessels, and this increases blood flow. As the rate of blood flowing through your system increases, your blood pressure naturally comes down (7).

Capsaicin also affects the sensory nerves that work with neuro-hormonal systems, and this lowers blood pressure. But then, cayenne pepper is not a replacement for your blood pressure medication. It is just a supplementation.

Simply mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with half a glass of lukewarm water and drink at night before bed.

4. Can Reduce Pain

Cayenne for pain – yes, that’s what we are talking about.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, capsaicin can reduce pain. The compound has powerful pain-relieving properties and works amazingly well when applied to the pain area. Here’s the science behind it – capsaicin reduces the amount of substance P (a chemical that delivers pain messages to the brain). As a result, you feel relief (8). This is why even most pain ointments have capsaicin as one of their ingredients.

Applying capsaicin to the skin also makes the brain respond by releasing dopamine, the feel-good hormone that offers a sense of reward and pleasure (9).

Cayenne works well for migraines too. Consuming it orally also reduces substance P and stops pain transmission. More importantly, it reduces platelet aggregation factor, also called PAF, which is what leads to migraines (by constricting the blood circulation in your head).

The pepper has a use for treating cramps as well. Capsaicin can reset the nerve-to-muscle communication by shocking the system into place. This can help relieve cramps. And some sources say that cayenne can relieve nerve pain – though we don’t have adequate research on this.

5. Can Prevent Cancer

In several studies, capsaicin has demonstrated the ability to induce apoptosis (death of cancer cells). In fact, it also arrests the ability of cancer cells to travel across the body.

One study talks about how capsaicin can help manage prostate cancer (10). And another American study talks about the anti-tumor activity of capsaicin. The compound can be beneficial in treating cancers of the lung, breast, colon, and prostate (11).

6. Protects The Heart

Given that cayenne improves the health of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, it sure does good to the heart.

Cayenne pepper also prevents blood clots, making it effective in preventing heart attacks. The capsaicin clears the lipid deposits that narrow the arteries.

Studies show that cayenne is also effective in treating blood circulation problems, cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and palpitations.

As unbelievable as it might sound, one report suggests that cayenne pepper can stop a heart attack in just 30 seconds. In fact, the famed natural herbalist Dr. John Christopher is known to bring his patients out of heart attacks just by making them drink warm cayenne water (12).

Cayenne pepper is also beneficial in preventing heart disease associated with diabetes. And more interestingly, cayenne can help reduce plaques (and might lower cholesterol). It breaks down the fibrin networks that hold the plaque in place, thereby reducing the build-up.

7. Clears Congestion

7. Clears Congestion
7. Clears Congestion

If you are suffering from a sinus congestion, cayenne pepper can help you out. The capsaicin in the pepper can thin the mucus and stimulate the sinuses. This ultimately aids air circulation, offering you relief. Taking foods containing cayenne pepper can help clear your congestion (13).

Capsaicin might also have a beneficial effect on rhinitis, a disease with symptoms like postnasal drip and nasal congestion. Though we still require more studies, the future looks promising in this regard (14).

One of the best ways to use capsaicin is to get the related nasal spray from your nearest pharmacy. You might also take cayenne orally. You can add one teaspoon of the pepper to a cup of hot water and take it thrice a day. This dilates the blood vessels in your nose, stimulates secretions, and drains the sinuses.

Cayenne pepper can also help clear congestion caused by bronchitis. It helps treat sinus infections, sore throats, and laryngitis as well (you can use it as a gargle) (15). It might even help treat cold and flu and other related allergies.

8. Helps Detoxify

Detoxifying is like recharging your batteries for a new and invigorated you. And you can very well take the help of cayenne in this process.

One of the more popular detox diets consists of cayenne pepper and lemon. This diet was developed way back in 1940 by Stanley Burroughs, an alternative health practitioner. This diet works by lowering the calorie intake.

The detox diet lasts for 10 days, where you need to drink 12 glasses of a tonic that consists of water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. And by the way, no solid foods. You should be getting around 650 to 1,300 calories a day. Here, the weight loss happens very quickly, and you might lose close to 3 pounds a week. Most of that weight is water weight, though.

However, we don’t really recommend you follow this detox diet. Because we humans need a variety of nutrients to stay healthy, and this detox diet doesn’t offer you much. Though certain anecdotal reports suggest that this diet leaves one feeling healthier and energetic, there is no concrete research. In fact, your body’s natural detoxification system is enough to keep you healthy. This detox tonic can probably be a healthy alternative to sugary beverages, once in a while.

Or best, simply add cayenne pepper to your foods to aid detoxification.

9. Relieves Joint Pains

We already saw the pain-relieving effects of capsaicin. Studies have revealed that applying creams containing capsaicin on painful joints improved their condition.

As per the Arthritis Foundation, capsaicin (which also is one of the capsaicinoids present in cayenne pepper) has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve arthritis and joint pains (16). Topical capsaicin can also be effective for osteoarthritis pain and fibromyalgia (17).

10. Has Antimicrobial Properties

Cayenne pepper can prevent infection in the case of an injury, thanks to its antibacterial properties. It also possesses antifungal properties.

11. Improves Immunity

Though there are not many studies on this, the antioxidants in cayenne pepper can enhance one’s immunity. Eating the pepper also increases your body heat, and this is said to strengthen your immune system as well.

12. Can Heal Toothaches

Using cayenne pepper for toothache is an old-fashioned remedy, but one that works. The pepper acts as a counter-irritant and decreases the deeper tooth pain. It also increases local blood flow.

13. Improves Skin And Hair Health

13. Improves Skin And Hair Health
13. Improves Skin And Hair Health

Though we have less research on this, some reports promote the benefits of cayenne pepper for one’s skin and hair. The capsaicin in the pepper can soothe skin redness (its anti-inflammatory properties) and also treats acne-induced skin discoloration. But don’t use the pepper alone. Mix one spoon of the pepper with some cocoa powder and half a ripe avocado till you get a paste. Apply it to your face and rinse after 15 minutes.

The vitamin in cayenne pepper can improve hair health too. Mix some of the pepper with honey and apply to your scalp. Cover your hair with a cellophane cover. Wash after 30 minutes.

You can also add three eggs and olive oil to this mixture and follow the same procedure for stronger hair. This remedy can also add volume and shine to your hair.

We are done with the benefits. You definitely would want to pick a few peppers now, wouldn’t you? But how do you do that? And where do you store them?

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How To Select And Store Cayenne Pepper

You need to select totally ripe cayenne peppers with a bright and even color. The ripe peppers are usually green or red.

You can store them in an airtight glass container, kept out of reach of direct sunlight.

Including cayenne pepper in your diet is simple.

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How To Incorporate More Cayenne Pepper Into Your Diet

The pepper is quite versatile, so you can add it to a variety of dishes.

  • You can add cayenne pepper to spice mixtures such as a curry tub.
  • You can also spice up your marinades by adding cayenne pepper.
  • A homemade dressing can also be made using the pepper. You can mix vinegar, oil, the pepper, and other seasonings as you desire.

And yes, you sure can prepare a recipe using cayenne pepper.

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Any Popular Cayenne Pepper Recipes?

1. Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

What You Need
  • 1 cup of raw green pumpkin seeds
  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon of coarse salt
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh lime juice
  1. Preheat oven to 350o F.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients. Toss to coat. Spread on a rimmed baking seat.
  3. Bake until it is puffed or browned.
  4. Serve.

2. Cayenne Pepper Tea

What You Need
  • Water
  • Ginger
  • Lemon, honey, and cayenne pepper, as required
  1. Add all the ingredients except water to a mug.
  2. Top with boiling water and steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Stir well and enjoy.

The recipes are great. But wait –

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Any Other Ways To Use Cayenne Pepper?

  • You can place the jar of cayenne pepper on your dining table so that it can be sprinkled onto anything instantly when needed.
  • Cayenne pepper, when added with some lemon juice, can render the most delectable and lip-smacking flavor to any bitter or bland dish.
  • It also works wonders when added to traditional hot cocoa.
  • One can also prepare some cayenne pepper sauce to apply to bread slices and add to soups.

Alright. But do you know where to procure cayenne pepper from?

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Where To Buy Cayenne Pepper?

From your nearest supermarket store. Or even online. You might also want to go for cayenne pepper pills. But just check with your doctor once.

Oh, wait. That’s not all. How about something fun facts about this red hot spice?

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Any Fun Facts About Cayenne Pepper?

  • Cayenne pepper has been a part of the Native American cuisine for at least 9,000 years.
  • It is available all year round.
  • The cayenne pepper plant grows to about 2 to 4 feet tall.
  • Immature cayenne pepper is green and is also called hot pepper.
  • Botanically speaking, the pepper is a berry.
  • It is also known as guinea spice, aleva or bird pepper, red pepper, and cow horn pepper.
  • Most of the pepper you see in the market is ground cayenne.

This hot spice does have a dark side. Let’s check that out.

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Any Side Effects Of Cayenne Pepper?


Cayenne pepper can cause irritation in certain people. This can include skin irritation, irritation of the eyes, stomach, throat, and nose.

Also, never apply the pepper to broken or injured skin.

Liver Or Kidney Damage

Taking excess of cayenne pepper orally can lead to kidney or liver damage.

Issues With Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Using cayenne pepper on the skin is safe. But taking it orally can be harmful. Avoid use.

Effects In Children

Children under the age of 2 years must stay away from cayenne pepper.

Bleeding Issues

Capsaicin might increase bleeding during and after surgery. Hence, avoid using it at least two weeks before your scheduled surgery.

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After all, spicy is good too. By including cayenne pepper in your diet, you will satisfy both your taste buds and your health-conscious self.

Tell us how you have liked this post. Just leave a comment in the box below.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Can I use capsaicin for my eyes?

You can put a little bit (in case the skin around your eyes has inflamed as cayenne pepper has anti-inflammatory properties), but your eyes would burn very badly. Hence, we suggest you don’t.

Does taking cayenne pepper make you smell of garlic?


Is there a substitute for cayenne pepper?

If cayenne pepper feels too spicy, you can go with capsicum. It also contains capsaicin.

I have started taking cayenne pepper for blood pressure, but it has actually increased. Why does this happen?

That is a common experience. And this is what Dr. John Christopher has to say about this: “This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. When the venous structure becomes loaded with sticky mucus, the blood has a harder time circulating; therefore, higher pressure forces the liquid through. Cayenne regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet so that it is equalized; it influences the heart immediately, then gradually extends its effects to the arteries, capillaries, and nerves.”


  1. “Effects of capsaicin…”. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  2. “Peppers may increase energy expenditure…”. Science Daily.
  3. “Capsaicin increases sensation to fullness…”. Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
  4. “The effects of hedonically acceptable…”. Purdue University, USA.
  5. “Phytochemistry and gastrointestinal benefits…”. US National Library of Medicine.
  6. “Capsaicin and gastric ulcers”. CFTRI, Mysore, India.
  7. “What doctors know: Lower your blood pressure…”. Chicago Tribune.
  8. “Cayenne”. University of Maryland Medical Center.
  9. “This is your brain on capsaicin”. Helix.
  10. “Capsaicin, a component of red peppers, inhibits…”. University of California, USA.
  11. “Bioavailability of capsaicin and its…”. Marshall University, Huntington, USA.
  12. “Astounding cayenne”. Andrews University.
  13. “A guide to natural ways to alleviate energy…”. Explore, Integrative Medicine.
  14. “Capsaicin for rhinitis”. Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  15. “Cayenne”. University of Rochester Medical Center.
  16. “Best spices for arthritis”. Arthritis Foundation.
  17. “5 tips for natural relief from osteoarthritis pain”. Bastyr University.


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